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Large Flange Head Aluminum Alloy Breakstem Rivet. Unique crimp provides wide grip range and smooth bubble formation on tailside. Hole Filling, split tail, retained stem, use in thin sheet metals and low-strength material.
Bulbex® Large Flange Breakstem Rivets
Unit of Measure
Items Bulbex® Large Flange Breakstem Rivets
Bulbex® 0.040 to 0.157 Inch (in) Grip Range Large Flange Breakstem Rivet
Bulbex® Large Flange Breakstem Rivets
Bulbex® 0.040 to 0.354 Inch (in) Grip Range Large Flange Breakstem Rivet
Description N/A Large Flange Head Aluminum Alloy Breakstem Rivet. Unique crimp provides wide grip range and smooth bubble formation on tailside. Hole Filling, split tail, retained stem, use in thin sheet metals and low-strength material.
Brands N/A Bulbex®
Head Type N/A Large Flange
Grip Range N/A 0.040 to 0.157 in N/A 0.040 to 0.354 in
Hole Size N/A 0.197 to 0.207 in
Maximum Head Height N/A 0.080 in
Nominal Head Diameter N/A 0.610 in
Nominal Rivet Diameter N/A 3/16 in
Mandrel Material N/A Aluminum
Rivet Material N/A Aluminum
Maximum Rivet Diameter N/A 0.197
Maximum Dimension E N/A 0.112 in
Maximum Dimension M N/A 0.720 in N/A 0.920 in
Rivet Finish N/A Plain
Mandrel Finish N/A Plain
Features and Benefits N/A
  • Wide Grip Range - One rivet can be used in multiple material thicknesses. This reduces inventories and eliminates operator error.
  • Mechanically Locked Stem - Stem is locked in shell, eliminating the risk of mandrel head vibrating loose while providing a weather resistant joint.
  • Complete Hole Fill - The bulbing formation will fill slightly oversized or irregular holes, providing increased strength and vibration resistance.